Bornholms Automobilmuseum Grammegårdsvej 1 - DK 3720 Aakirkeby

The only automobile museum on Bornholm


Welcome to Bornholm's Automobile Museum, we exhibit old cars, motorcycles, mopeds, engines and more. The museum is open from 14 May 2024



















 Opening hours
 Medio: May - October
 Monday - Saturday: 10.
 Sunday closed

The museum is open


Phone: 56974595
Mobile: 20425595


 Adults: 60 kr.
 Children: 4 - 12 years 30 kr.
 Grups: 15 prs. 50 kr.

mobilepay can be used here

Bornholm Automobile Museum
Grammegårdsvej 1 - DK 3720 Aakirkeby

The museum does not accept payment cards